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发布时间:2018年05月21日 18:25    作者:    来源:    点击率: 次

Title: Reproduction ecology of reindeer/caribou: Mating strategies and resource allocation


主讲人:Robert B. Weladji(Ph. D, Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Concordia University, Canada)



Robert is an animal ecologist. He graduated from Dschang University with a BSc in Forestry and Wildlife. He obtained PhD in Ecology in 2003, from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, ?s, Norway and then done postdoctoral research in Norway and France. He worked as Research Associate at Laval University for 2 years and then joined Concordia University in 2007 as an Assistant professor.

His research interest is rather broad and includes natural resource management, population ecology, behavioral and evolutionary ecology, wildlife conservation and management. Robert has published more than 82 papers in international peer-reviewed journals.

